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Vacuslim 48

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Vacuslim 48 treatments should be administered every other day, a total of 10-12 treatments per month.

Treatments should be repeated until the person is satisfied.

Remind the person on whom you performed the Vacuslim 48 treamtent of the importance of regular skin care at home.

1. How does Vacuslim 48 work ?

The innovative Vacuslim 48 professional treatment is a synergy of the unique invention of Vacuslim 48 bags made of a special material and revolutionary active ingredients of creams and serums that act on all 3 fat cell metabolisms leading to:

  • - fat burning
  • - preventing the storage of fat cells.
  • - slowing down the formation of new fat cells

At the same time, the active ingredients reduce cellulite and reduce the visible signs of ‘orange peel’. For people who have the firmest, fibrous cellulite, after only a couple of treatments, it is transformed into watery and soft that breaks easily, resulting in a dramatic improvement in the appearance of the skin.

Vacuslim 48 treatment stimulates the lymphatic system as well as the natural detoxification process and the release of excess accumulated fluid. The results obtained after the study on clients are a direct consequence of the action of active ingredients of the new generation with a focus on fat cells and cellulite and the application of the method using Vacuslim 48 specially designed bags.

2. For whom is Vacuslim 48 an ideal professional treatment?

Vacuslim 48 is ideal for anyone who wants to:

  • - Start your metabolism and get rid of excess fat deposits on the abdomen, back, hips, thighs, and arms.
  • - Get rid of excess accumulated fluid and swelling and at the same time free the body from toxins
  • - Accelerate the weight loss process
  • - Get rid of cellulite and smooth the skin
  • - Improve tone, elasticity and tighten the skin
  • - Improve the appearance of stretch marks and capillaries

The treatment is ideal for people who spend most of the day sitting and are physically inactive.

3. What results can I expect?

Immediately after the very first treatment you will see the results in volume reduction, which is a consequence of the interaction of Vacuslim 48 active preparations and Vacuslim 48 bag. The active ingredients cause fat burning and cellulite reduction. The effect of heating and cooling during the treatment affects the acceleration of blood flow and moving of the lymphatic system, resulting in the release of toxins and excess accumulated fluid while increasing calorie consumption.

After a series of 6 to 12 treatments, depending on your build, you will see dramatic changes in the improvement of the skin appearance, which is reflected in a visible reduction of cellulite, skin tightening, and body reshaping. Also, the nutrients will visibly alleviate stretch marks and capillaries on the body.

4. How often is Vacuslim 48 performed?

Vacuslim 48 treatment is an innovative method that enables deeper and targeted action of active ingredients using the Vacuslim 48 bag. Deeply absorbed under the skin, the active ingredients remain active for up to 48 hours. After prolonged action is achieved, the treatment is done on the second day.

5. How long does one Vacuslim 48 treatment last?

The time required to prepare the client, which includes taking measures, applying the preparation, and placing the client in the Vacuslim 48 bag, is to minutes on average. After that, the client remains lying wrapped for 3o minutes. Within these 3o minutes all active processes occur and affect fat burning, cellulite reduction, and activation of the lymphatic system.

After removing the Vacuslim 48 bag, it is necessary to treat the body with Vacuslim 48 oil, for about 10-20 minutes with lymphatic drainage to open the lymph nodes and free the body from excess water and toxins. Be sure to note the measures taken again after the treatment.

The duration of the treatment including the preparation and massage of the client is 45-6o minutes.

6. Can I engage in normal daily activities after treatment?

Yes. You can do sports, go swimming. The only restriction is that you do not go to the solarium after the treatment, because the skin is active due to the active substances. Also, due to the increased sensitivity of the skin, depilation of the treated regions on the same day is not recommended. You can go to the solarium or the depilation the following day.

7. Does Vacuslim 48 help me lose weight?

During the treatment with Vacuslim 48 thermogenesis occurs and additionally stimulates the consumption of calories, which additionally affects the motivation to lose weight. Additional burning of fat deposits with the help of active ingredients from the preparation will lead to the reshaping of the body and speed up the weight loss process if you follow a diet. Visible reduction of orange peel and reshaping of curves with the help of Vacuslim 48 treatments will become your best friend for achieving the goal of losing weight and enduring diet.

8. How long do the results last after Vacuslim 48 treatments?

Our studies have shown that after a series of Vacuslim 48 treatments there is a significant loss in volume, reshaping the figure, and a visible reduction in cellulite with increased elasticity and skin tightening effect. The active ingredients of the preparation work for a longer period (long-lasting), opposing the re-formation of cellulite. If you additionally have healthy habits through diet and physical activity, the achieved results will certainly be maintained. However, if you drastically and over a long period of time increase your calorie intake daily, your body will react again after a while by increasing the volume and creating cellulite.

We recommend that when you finish a series of Vacuslim 48 treatments in the salon, use Vacuslim 48 home care products (serum and cream) to maintain the achieved result for a longer time. If you are not able to visit your therapist regularly due to travel or lack of time, and want the effect of Vacuslim 48 treatment to maintain the achieved result reshaping, a special Vacuslim 4 you set was created, as a quick help to continue the process of reshaping the body (loss of volume and reduction of cellulite). With Vacuslim 4 you set, your therapist will continue to begin the process of reshaping the body. With the help of Vacuslim 48, you will never have to worry again if you have a trip or for some reason you cannot go to your therapist, nor will you have to postpone the treatment of weight loss and cellulite due to your obligations. Vacuslim 48 is innovative because it allows you to start, and continue when it suits you.

9. How does Vacuslim 48 treatment reduce the appearance of cellulite?

Studies have shown that 85% of women are affected by cellulite, which is reflected in flabby and lumpy skin resembling orange peel. Heredity, lack of physical activity, unbalanced diet, poor venous and lymphatic circulation all contribute to the development of cellulite.

Vacuslim 48 treatment uses a strong synergy of active ingredients and Vacuslim 48 bag. The secret of fast action and breakdown of cellulite is in a powerful revolutionary anti-cellulite ingredient, scientifically proven, which along with other active components have a targeted effect on fat burning and cellulite reduction. At the same time, they affect the long-term recurrence of cellulite ► Anti “Yo-Yo

During Vacuslim 48 treatments thermogenesis occurs, which activates the lymphatic system and frees the body from excess fluid and toxins. The active ingredients have a strong effect on fibrous or hard cellulite, soften and break it down by transforming it after just a few treatments into an aqueous (soft) one that is easily broken down and eliminated. Vacuslim 48 active preparations act on fibrous cellulite faster than all preparations. There is also a renewal of connective tissue and an increase in skin elasticity. And smooth skin. By opening the lymph nodes, the lymph is drained, and along with it the toxins and cellulite as well.

10. Is the Vacuslim 48 treatment for everyone?

Vacuslim 48 professional treatment can be applied to all healthy people over 18 years of age. If a person has an acute or chronic disease, it is best to consult your doctor.

The treatment does not apply to:

  • - Pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as immediately after childbirth
  • - A person with sensitive skin prone to eczema and psoriasis.
  • - People with malignancies, epilepsy, severe liver and kidney diseases, type 1 diabetes.
  • - The treatment is not applied on freshly depilated and shaved skin, or on the skin inflamed by the sun or solarium.
  • - After surgery

For clients with varicose veins and capillaries, it is important to follow the work protocol and apply only Vacuslim 48 Cream 2 cold cream on the body. In this case, apply Vacuslim 48 Serum 1 warm serum only to regions that are not affected by varicose veins and enlarged capillaries.

11. Can Vacuslim 48 treatment be done during the menstrual cycle?

Blood flow increases during the treatment, which can lead to increased and prolonged bleeding during the cycle, so our advice is not to do the treatments during the monthly cycle, or at least for the first four days.

12. What instructions and advice should you give to your clients?

You should introduce your clients with the treatment itself, as well as the sensations that will take place during the treatment, including increased thermogenesis. As detoxification and increased diuresis occur following the treatment, advise clients to take water during and after treatment. Unlike other anti-cellulite and weight loss treatments, Vacuslim 48 allows you to engage in normal daily activities (fitness, swimming ...).

13. What is the consumption of Vacuslim 48 serum 1 and cream 2 per treatment?

Consumption of Vacuslim 48 serum and cream should be the same after treatment. The amount consumed per treatment (10 to 20ml) is directly related to the size of the volume to which the products are applied. With some clients, the skin of the body is often dry, so the active Vacuslim 48 serum is quickly absorbed. It is important to know that in that case you should not re-apply the serum, but continue to apply the cream.

14. What feeling (sensation) can I expect during Vacuslim 48 treatments?

During Vacuslim 48 treatments, thermogenesis occurs, which is a consequence of the activation of the organism to the sensation of warm and cold. During this process, active ingredients are inserted with targeted effect on fat burning and cellulite reduction. At the beginning of the treatment, a cold effect appears, and after a few minutes, the body warms up. In places on the body that are affected with more fat deposits and cellulite, stronger heating will be felt, with deep penetration of the active ingredients. Vacuslim 48 bag creates an environment that further enhances this thermogenic, resulting in rapid results compared to traditional weight loss treatments and cellulite elimination. However, some clients may feel a cold or very warm effect over a long period. If necessary, the client should be covered with a blanket.

15. Why are Vacuslim 48 and Madero therapy an ideal combination?

Vacuslim 48 and maderotherapy are an ideal combination because they are complemented by the physical action achieved by maderotherapy and the internal action of the Vacuslim 48 concept. Vacuslim 48 line of beauty care products opens the internal space for the removal of cellulite and fat cells, speeds up the metabolism, accelerates cleansing of the body, eliminates water and toxins, and breaks down fat deposits. Madero therapy, with its action, also speeds up the metabolism, lymphatic and circulatory system, pushes the remains of toxins and water towards the place of expulsion (urinary tract), and expels them from the body through the released and activated lymphatic system.

Due to the active thermogenesis during Vacuslim 48 treatments, maderotherapy is never done on the same day, but massage with wooden rolls is performed the following day, i.e. between 2 treatments of Vacuslim 48. Although they are very effective independently, Vacuslim 48 and maderotherapy present a perfect combination so that fat cells, cellulite, excess water, and toxins have nowhere to go but out of the body.

16. What is the difference between Vacuslim 48 treatments, wrapping, and other traditional weight loss methods?

Vacuslim 48 is an innovative method based on the interaction of the latest generation of active ingredients for targeted action on breaking down cellulite and burning fat and a special environment created with the help of Vacuslim 48 Bag, achieving deep and prolonged action of active ingredients for up to 48 hours. Unlike the wapping method, there is no additional and excessive sweating so that electrolytes are not lost from the body. Another advantage is the uninterrupted breathing of the skin and the retention of all its vital functions. Breathing of the skin prevents the tight adhesion of the wrapping foil, while the adhesion of the vacuum bag is shorter without additional and unpleasant tightening.

The advantage of using the Vacuslim 48 bag is the creation of an environment for faster thermogenic effect and deeper penetration of active ingredients, even in hard-to-reach treatment areas. The biggest advantage is the greater loss in volume after the first treatment that continues from treatment to treatment.

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Less time - faster results
The duration of the active part of the treatment is 30 minutes!

17. Is the Vacuslim 48 safe?

Vacuslim 48 is a non-invasive, painless treatment, which is applied to healthy adults to reduce fat deposits and cellulite.

18. Is lymphatic drainage required after Vacuslim 48?

Lymph node opening and lymph drainage present a mandatory final step of Vacuslim 48 treatments. Lymphatic drainage is performed with the help of a specially formulated Vacuslim 48 oil composed of selected combinations of essential oils (grapefruit, lemon, mint, and rosemary) in a natural base. When the lymphatic channels open, it is possible to remove excess fluid and toxins from the body - the detoxification occurs. Opening the lymph nodes and moving the lymph takes 10-20 minutes.

19. Is there an anti-cellulite massage after the treatment?

Manual anti-cellulite massage with lymphatic drainage is an integral and final step of the Vacuslim 48 treatment. It is recommended that Madero therapy is done between the 2 Vacuslim 48 treatments.

20. How can I combine Vacuslim 48 treatment and weight loss treatments with devices (cavitation, radiofrequency, lasers)?

Manual anti-cellulite massage with lymphatic drainage is an integral and final step of the Vacuslim 48 treatment. It is recommended that Madero therapy is done between the 2 Vacuslim 48 treatments.

If your clinic or spa center provide other weight loss treatments with the use of the device, Vacuslim 48 is the ideal treatment to ensure even faster and more visible results. Vacuslim 48 treatment is done before the start of all the other treatments with machines, to further accelerate the metabolism of fat burning and speed up the detoxification process. After 3 Vacuslim 48 treatments, you should start working with slimming machines. Since the treatments with the slimming machines are done once a week, the space for Vacuslim 48 opens freely, but never on the same day. The effect of the applied serums with the help of slimming machines is two days, so Vacuslim 48 treatment is performed on the third day.

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